Centro’s Workforce Programs and services have become a crucial component to strengthen families and promote upward mobility.

Certified Nursing Program

The Caminos CNA Program, a collaborative effort between Madison College and the United Way HIRE Initiative, is a 4-month college-level CNA training for Dane County residents. 

Caminos Progreso

Caminos Progreso is a 7-week training program that provides professional development coaching, and support to explore careers in the areas of Admin, Customer Service, Clerical and related fields. 

Caminos Finance

Caminos Finance is a 9-week training program where candidates will learn the basics of becoming a Bilingual Teller/Customer Service Representative at a Bank or Credit Union. 

Caminos in Tech

​This 12-week program will provide you with the resources and tools to enhance skills through CAMINOS workshop and Google Career Certificates. 

Certified Peer Specialist

This is a 7-week training program that will provide Dane County Latinx participants build a set of skills based on their unique lived experiences to offer support to people receiving services related to mental health or substance use challenges.

General ​Employment Services

We offer twice a month employment workshops in Spanish. During these workshops, community members will learn basic information about navigating and understating the workforce system.